What's The Lowest Cost Option in Broadband ISPs?
Description: While it's important to get the best service you can from your broadband ISP, you also want to make sure you aren't paying more than you have to. That's why it's a good idea to make absolutely sure you find the lowest cost option.
Finding the lowest cost option in broadband ISPs isn't just a case of lining them all up and picking the one with the lowest price. You need to consider the service as well.
Two companies might charge the same price for a broadband connection, but on closer inspection one may offer a 2 Mbps connection and the other might offer a 3 Mbps connection. In this case it would obviously make sense to go for the faster service at the same price.
You also need to think about the various ways that you can get broadband access. The cost of satellite connections is high in many instances and not advisable if you can get broadband via any other method. In the end the battle for the cheapest broadband in general comes down to a head to head between cable and DSL (digital subscriber line) broadband.
The winner if you are looking purely at price, however, is DSL. But as always you need to think about what you are getting for your money. A DSL connection will be a lot faster than a standard dial up internet connection, but compared to cable this broadband service is rather slow. It all depends on what you want out of your broadband and what you have come to expect in the past.
If you have been used to trudging along with dial up then your new cheap DSL broadband will probably be plenty to keep you happy. You should check the efficiency of your ISP before you make a firm decision however, since the lowest cost option isn't always the best bet. You do get what you pay for.