When Should I Upgrade To a T1 Connection?

Description: There are so many different types of broadband internet connection available it can be difficult to know which one to choose. For most people a standard cable or DSL connection will do the trick. But then there is the mightier T1 connection. When should you think about getting that - and is it really necessary at all?

Even the fastest broadband connection available via a DSL (digital subscriber line) or cable connection can fall down at times. If you hop online first thing in the morning while the rest of the country is sleeping, your super fast broadband might indeed live up to its name, with web pages loading extra quickly and no hanging around for anything to happen.

But when you try and visit the same websites at seven or eight o'clock in the evening - just as it seems everyone else in America is doing exactly the same thing - you might find things slow down a little. That's when broadband doesn't seem so broad, and certainly not as fast.

Enter the mighty T1 internet connection, which can leave any other broadband connection trailing in the dust. ?This is super fast broadband to be reckoned with, and it can be tempting to consider upgrading to it when you're sitting there waiting to get into your emails of an evening.

However the T1 connection is not really designed to be for the average person wanting internet access from home. Although there is no reason why you can't get it in principle, in reality the cost can be prohibitive for an individual to be able to pay. A T1 connection usually comes complete with premium services and a round the clock back up facility that is designed more for businesses than an individual accessing the internet from home.

If you have an established business which requires you to be online for most of the day then you will soon notice the detrimental effects that occur whenever you lose your connection for any length of time - even for just a few minutes.

Of course many internet businesses today are run by individuals out of their own home, and even in this case business can be severely affected if the internet connection should drop out at any stage. While a T1 connection will undoubtedly cost you a lot more money every month, you should ask yourself whether you can really afford to be without it. The cost can be offset against your business profits anyway, so you won't exactly be footing the bill out of your own pocket.

Furthermore you will find that there will be no interruption to your workflow once you have that T1 broadband connection. Imagine the potential loss in business if you find you are continually suffering a loss of broadband services for any reason - not to mention the somewhat unprofessional appearance it gives your business.

In short, if you rely on the internet for your livelihood, then paying for a T1 broadband connection is definitely money well spent.

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